| HEADERS BY "ED", INC. (Minnesota Street Rod Association member #18537)
Phone Order Hours: 1 PM - 5 PM
We're moving our shop to a new location in Hamburg, MN and have a new phone number (952-777-0027). The old phone number (612-729-2802) still works but will disappear some time next Summer (once we're done moving).
In the "It's hard to believe but it's true" department: Assembled as a "driver" type car - definitely NOT a race car - but with strict attention paid to maximizing bottom end and mid-range performance (headers as well as other areas), on Sunday (the 29th), we heard comments that somebody thought they had seen daylight under the left front tire on a launch! A couple of runs later, it was announced over the track's PA system that, on the last run, the left front tire had come off the track about an inch at the start of that run! (Several days later, double checking this with the track's announcer, he said he had actually witnessed the car lifting the left front tire off the track 3 times for sure!) If there was ANYTHING we NEVER expected to see happen with this car (3830# - with driver and using a stock - but retuned - 350" port injected small block Chev RamJet 350 crate engine) was to see it lift a front tire off the ground on a run! (This was the also the first time we tried bolt-on "venturi" shaped collector extensions!)
ALSO: On Saturday, using a data logger-type EGS Tach from acceleration rate was 1.41 Gs with a second best run producing 1.33 Gs.
We have also added a fact sheet discussing this "event"
For what it's worth: A couple of years later (the Dodge doesn't get worked on or raced much), the Dodge was put on a chassis dyno, where in just three hours - nine pulls - engine timing was advanced and fuel pressure increased with a resulting gain of 30 HP at peak rpm plus HP gains noted everywhere else!
Two weeks later, at BIR, the best times recorded over two days were: ET - 13.28 seconds; MPH - 100.6; 60' - 1.79 seconds!
.4 seconds off the ETs, several runs now over 100 MPH, see what might happen. Later on that same day, the 2 1/8" extensions were replaced by 2 1/4" extensions and the car SLOWED DOWN! Guys have told me (remember that I'm a "HEADER GUY") that the collector extensions are WAY TOO SMALL - i.e. bigger would make the car faster - yet I've tried SIX different sizes on the headers - up through 3" - with the best MPH measured so far using 2 1/8" tapered extensions bolted on to the end of the headers' 3" outlet collectors. If the collector extensions are too small (what "they" tell me), and are, therefore (according to them), restricting the engine, why is the Dodge doing what it is doing? It is interesting to see how "they" deal with the FACTS of the situation when confronted by what has actually been done:
Go to the My Old Dodge page for more information?
To get you up to speed as to what's been going on here:
Business History. Condensing the business's history considerably, the first set of HEADERS BY "ED" was built on the very car at the top of this page, by me, in 1962 when I was approaching my 21st birthday.
The first few years of the business involved doing "pure" custom header work (vehicles were brought into the shop and I built headers on them).
Due to problems with local dealers not willing to invest in inventory, I soon became a distributor (and reseller) of various header parts. As the years passed, I started making many of the parts I previously bought from others and also worked with outside suppliers to make parts to my specifications and, in the process, developed many new and, I believe, better parts based on my experiences gained not only by DESIGNING and BUILDING BETTER headers but also by helping others build their own BETTER headers.
In 1966 I decided to move away from doing pure custom header work and designed the first set of HEADERS BY "ED" - for the '62-'67 Small Block Nova - where I built header jigs off the finished headers so that I could make and ship headers to others elsewhere. That change of direction in the business also initiated magazine advertising.
In 1974 I started to offer Vertical Exit HEADERS BY "ED" for pullers, mud racers, sand draggers, etc.
Through this time period, I also had started deepening oil pans for local racers and even purchased a Sun distributor machine and recurved a lot of distributors for local customers too. At one point HEADERS BY "ED" even offered a complete cylinder head service!
Website. The first HEADERS BY "ED" website was published 3/31/98. The second (and considerably improved) version that you are now looking at was published in March 2009. This new version encompasses much newer technology relative to website design, contains a few extra "bells and whistles", and also addresses many concerns and comments expressed by customers and friends over the years (but the reduction of my excessive verbiage has not exactly been accomplished). It also addresses and/or eliminates a number of concerns that I had with the first website.
The writings (by me) are still VERY critical (maybe even more so now that I am also 20+ years older since the first website appeared) and thus might be considered offensive to those with differing points of view. However, the comments are based on works accomplished as well as observations made over a 55+ year period of time. I offer these comments to you in the context that you are sincerely concerned about making your particular vehicle PERFORM as well as possible and appreciate getting "good" as well as "straight" advice (even if it might be a little disconcerting at times).
The website is FAR from being done and probably will never be REALLY done as I don't have the time to work on it continually. (I only get paid for the work I do in the shop. Unlike others who get paid for creating and updating websites, I get paid NOTHING for all of the time and work this website represents). (Plus, over the past decade I have witnessed the passing of several close friends, many "car guys" and good/loyal customers and now find myself considering my own mortality.)
The website has two basic "sides" - a "parts" side that deals with what we offer to you as a potential customer and an "information" side that presents header and performance related discussion that I feel you should know. Some areas of this "newer" website simply could not be completed on time or brought over from the old website without adding a lot more delay and delaying publishing past mid-March 2009 made no sense. Under construction signs are posted all over this website and will disappear as pages are finished or at least reach a point where I feel somewhat satisfied with their content (I am seldom really "satisfied" with anything as I see room for improvement almost everywhere I look and I'm not just talking about this website!!!!!!). Some comment pages - moved over from the old website - will be updated. Other comment pages are minimally done and are more representative of a "wish list" of what I want to discuss as time allows in the near (or far distant) future. Some pages (Ramblings, for example) will be added to continually due to their more general nature. Please be patient if something excites your curiosity and then you find out that I've only addressed the subject minimally or not at all - because that page is marked under construction.
Also - if you want to learn even more about headers, you really should purchase our HEADER DESIGN INFOPAK. It contains discussion we've been offering since the late 60s - discussion that might even "scare" you when you realize we've been saying some of these things for well over 55 years yet have NEVER seen them in a magazine article! It will also help you understand how IMPORTANT GOOD header design really is (a subject definitely NOT discussed in car magazines!).
Magazines. If you believe that car magazines are perfect - that they NEVER make mistakes, that they contain information ONLY written by equally performance-concerned individuals that are supremely informed as well as experienced, and have NO secondary or tertiary agendas - you might NOT want to expose yourself to the thoughts contained within this website. Remember - you have been warned!
In conclusion, HEADERS BY "ED" has been around for quite a LONG time now (56 years!), has been VERY involved in the overall performance area - not just making products out of tubing - and is very capable of helping you buy or build considerably BETTER HEADERS.
Thanks for reading this, Ed Henneman
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